Saturday, June 21, 2008


When I posted about Metaplaces last week, I was reading their forums, and I was suprised to see about the idea that there could be a market for language learning MMOs, as there were a few people actively designing learning games for when they gained access.

Seems theres one already out there for Mandarin Chinese, called Welcome to Zon!. And what better timing, than before the summer Olympics to learn a little mandarin? Mind you, tell me when a Japanese translator game comes out and I'll be on it so fast it wouldn't be funny. All the games and manga I've missed out on over the years could finally be in my grasp, and I bet the market would be immense for people like me in North America.

Either way, I'll be loading this one up over the weekend to try it out, and to see how well it's developped for learning. Many countries may want to watch this, as it could turn out to be a great tourist incentive...

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